
[活動已結束] 2018/5/8 CloudFlare 技術研討會


近幾個月來,許多知名網站如 Github 等陸續遭到大規模的 DDoS 攻擊,並上演服務斷線的劇情。在過往 DDoS 的攻擊活動中,甚至也看到一些攻擊源頭來自連網設備如監控攝影機等。在現今 IOT 物聯網趨勢蓬勃發展下,如何在設計及建構連網裝置時預先導入安全機制,以確保遇到新問題或威脅時能有最好完善的防禦。

本次活動將由全球知名 CDN 及資安防禦廠商 CloudFlare 講師特別針對四種實質性安全反模式 (security anti-patterns) 進行深入討論,並介紹可輕鬆採取的步驟來幫助緩解這些模式。


  • 活動日期:2018/05/08 (二)
  • 活動地點:極客窩 Geek Cave  台北市大同區承德路三段 287 號 c 棟
  • 活動報名:已截止
  • 時程表:
時間 內容
7:00pm 開放入場 (現場備有茶點)
7:30pm 活動開始
8:30pm 會後討論及交流分享
9:00pm 活動結束



Antonio Cocera

(Speaker profile :  Click!)

Antonio Cervero Cocera is the system reliability engineer (SRE)’s team manager for Cloudflare in Asia-Pacific. Born in Spain but now based in Singapore, Antonio has worked in more than 5 countries in Europe and Asia. Previously, he working in Shanghai for ChinaNetCloud as a Technical On-hands Manager.

Antonio has much experience with big scale computer’s networks, like those at Cloudflare and eBay. Also, as a security enthusiast, he is involved on several security events and has participated in “capture the flag” (CTFs) events in Fuzhou and Shanghai.

Outside of work, Antonio loves to travel by motorbike off-road, and he’s done it in 5 countries!

關於 CloudFlare

Cloudflare 以向客戶提供網站安全管理、效能優化及相關的技術支援為主要業務。通過基於反向代理的內容傳遞網路(Content Delivery Network, CDN)及分布式域名解析服務(Distributed Domain Name Server),Cloudflare 可以幫助受保護站點抵禦包括拒絕服務攻擊在內的大多數網路攻擊,確保該網站長期在線,同時提升網站的效能、載入速度以改善訪客體驗。